
environmental properties中文是什么意思

  • 环境性质
  • 一种物质的环境特性



  • 例句与用法
  • Environmental property management partnership programme
  • Test methods for the environmental properties of optical fibre cables - winding at low temperature
  • Environmental property management - train - the - trainer workshop 13 december 2002
  • Analysis on the environmental property of picea asperata stand through four mathematical methods
  • The policy target contains information about the subject , the action , and other environmental properties
  • Water environmental properties at the near dam region of the three gorges reservoir in the initial impoundment period
  • Calibration of rubber and plastics test equipment - calibration schedules - degradation and environmental properties
  • At present , the only way for quantification of environmental value is to turn to environmental economics for help . , which theoretically make it possible to assess environmental property
  • The article indicates that there are three theoretical frames on environmental problems , i . e . the externality and social welfare , tragedy of public glebe and environmental property right , model of substance conservation and the sustainable development plan
  • The basic principle of natural gamma - ray log is stated , the developing background , developing ways and developing situation of natural gamma - ray tools are introduced . the researching task of the paper is presented through analyzing the using situation and questions exsisted in inner natural gamma - ray tools , the researching work is started from three aspects , they are logging tool development , reliability design and reliability assuring methods , and the data processing methods , in the course of logging tool development , instrument indexes are presented based on the compatible property of sookbps telemetry system and environmental property , the analog measuring chanel and the interface circuit which realizing the compatible performance are designed according to the instrument mdexes . the detecto * design . the plateau property testing of the detector and the analysis of it ' s affecting factors are stated , the measuring property of the tool is discused , a new type of single chip microcomputer is selected when designing the interface circuit , and the laboratory experiments has fulfiled conmunieating standard signals between the interface circuit , the universal interface unit of sookbps telemetry system and also 500kbps telemetry system
    本文首先概要介绍了石油测井的基本概念、方法、条件、最新进展、以及应采取的研发对策,论述了自然伽玛测井的基本原理,介绍了自然伽玛测井仪的发展背景、发展历程和发展现状,通过分析国内自然伽玛测井仪的使用情况和存在的问题,提出了本文的研究任务。研制工作从测井仪研制、可靠性设计与可靠性保障技术、数据处理方法研究三个方面展开,在测井仪研制过程中,根据500kbps遥传系统要求的配接性能和使用环境特征,提出了主要仪器指标,并根据这些指标,设计了仪器模拟测量通道和实现这一配接性能的接口电路;论述了探测器的设计、坪特性影响因素分析及其测试,探讨了仪器的测量性能;在设计接口电路时选用了新型单片机芯片,并与500kbps遥传通用接口单元rtu 、 500kbpa遥传系统实现了室内配接。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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